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Ben Stern Presents on Patent Monetization in The Knowledge Group Webinar

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Ben Stern, a partner in Nutter’s Litigation Department and a member of the firm’s IP Litigation practice group, will present in the Patent Monetization: How to Generate Revenue from Patents webinar organized by The Knowledge Group. In the session, Ben will address using patents as a significant source of revenue, whether from licensing, sale, settlements, or judgments. He and the panelists will explain a variety of approaches for generating revenue from patent portfolios, in an interactive discussion based on the most common situations they encounter. In this webinar, panelists will discuss:

  • The wide variety of funding mechanisms for financing patent monetization efforts that require little or no up-front investment from the patent owner.
  • How patent owners can leverage such funding to engage in licensing or litigation effectively against large infringers in ways that would not be possible without external financing.
  • Strategies for building patent portfolios that are designed from the outset for maximum monetization value.
  • The types of patent monetization campaigns that are most appealing to funders.
  • The types of expenses a funder will pay for in a monetization campaign.
  • The growth of markets for selling and licensing patents without litigation.

Event details:
Thursday, October 5, 2023
12-1PM ET

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