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Sarah Turano-Flores quoted in “Bridge Proposed To Develop West Side Of Saquatucket Harbor”

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Cape Cod Chronicle

Sarah A. Turano-Flores, a member of the firm’s Land Use, Permitting and Development practice group, was quoted in “Bridge Proposed To Develop West Side Of Saquatucket Harbor” in the Cape Cod Chronicle on June 11. The article discusses development of a proposed bridge over Carding Machine Brook, which would provide access to a subdivision of land along the western bank of Saquatucket Harbor.

The conservation commission held an initial hearing to see whether there were alternatives to accessing the property. Sarah responded by stating the applicant has spent many years trying to establish legal rights over the adjacent upland subdivision road located to the west. “There is a subdivision road on the land to the west that abruptly ends at an intersection abutting our locus. However, after several title examinations conducted by many attorneys over several years, no legal rights in this subdivision road benefiting our locus can be found,” she informed the commission. “Therefore, there is no reasonable and practicable alternative access to our locus and the only remaining legal access to our locus is via the easement over the Brax Inc. property and Carding Machine Brook.”

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