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Ian Roffman Appointed Co-Chair of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce’s Amicus Advisory Board

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Ian Roffman, chair of Nutter’s Securities Enforcement and Litigation practice and a member of the firm's Executive Committee, has been named as an initial co-chair of the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce’s Amicus Advisory Board. Ian will serve alongside fellow co-chair Ed Kenealy, Executive Vice President and Chief Public Affairs Officer at Liberty Mutual, and a distinguished group of appellate and in-house attorneys from Chamber members.

The first advisory board of its kind among business associations in the region, the Amicus Advisory Board will identify and evaluate opportunities for the Chamber to submit or join amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) briefs to appellate courts, guide the Chamber’s arguments, and manage the drafting and approval of briefs. The group will focus on cases for which decisions would have significant or far-reaching impact on the state’s economy, the business community, the conduct of commerce, and the Chamber’s key policy priorities. An amicus brief submission by this Advisory Board may not be in support of an individual company, but instead indicates the Chamber’s advocacy, policy positions, and broad effect on commerce and the business community.

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